The musician booking app. Music is the poetry of the air.

Project Vision. Elevating ideas.

Challenges. Meeting challenges.

Design process. Push the user centered design.

Learn user their problems, wants, needs. Empathize.
Empathy map
• Personas
User story
• User journey map
Define. most important problem to solve.
Problem statement
• Hypothesis statement
Ideate. Bring the potential solutions.
Competitor analysis
• Crazy eights
Produce an early model. Protype.
• Low fidelity
Hight fidelity

Meet The User. Connect and understand the perspectives of every user.

User testing & Observation. Ensure a seamless interaction.

User's Expectation

Users want to know if the product can provide services that meet users' needs and avoid an obstacle that can change users' minds to use the app. Users want it to be an easy and direct way to complete all tasks. The design should bring insight from usability study to meet users' needs.

How they feel?

It is my first design but this will not be the last of my designs, it has shown me the need to connect with the needs of the users and to provide the solution for them which can help to improve the design.

Information Architecture. Landscapes for a user-centric experience.

Wireframe. The first draft to guide the evolution of design.


When it is time to sketch a wireframe based on Industry standards to establish the basic structure of a page.
When it comes to life I have to portray and project an overview of the design following the knowledge from
Google UX Design Course.

Spending the time when drafting the screen base on the user need to ensure all the process and the pain point
are included in the design to help users can finding and booking.

Challenges. Overcoming obstacles.

Limited of time
When Users have to arrange The musician they usually search on the internet and have to contact The musician by themselves which often gives users a  bad experience, this  musician booking app can save time and improve the users experience.
Specific Requirement
Users are always looking for the right musician, they want to look for information about the musician such as reviews, a sample of their performances, we aim to connect the users and the musicians so that they both have good experiences.
Difficult Process
The process from the Booking information to the final  payment process can make users feel frustrated because there are too many things users have to check . With only three-steps on the musician booking app users can be more confident in the process.

Design. Transforming visions into captivating and user-centric designs.

Take away. Opportunities for growth.


This app provides a service to help the users  find the right musician to match their needs.

What I learned

It is my first design and this can be not the last of my design, It has to take your heart into it, and when you get what users need and you can provide the solution for them it is helpful for the next future.

Next. Moonlight Filmfestival.

Moonlight Film Festival

The website contains information about Moonlight Film Festival

UX Design
UX Research
Google UX Course