Herb Box. Good quality herb at your door.

Project Vision. Elevating ideas.

Challenges. Meeting challenges.

Design process. Push the user centered design.

Learn user their problems, wants, needs. Empathize.
Empathy map
• Personas
User story
• User journey map
Define. most important problem to solve.
Problem statement
• Hypothesis statement
Ideate. Bring the potential solutions.
Competitor analysis
• Crazy eights
Produce an early model. Protype.
• Low fidelity
Hight fidelity

Research and Empathise. follow the Design Process to achieve our goal.

Secondary Research
Aggregated Empathy Map

Meet The User. Connect and understand the perspectives of every user.

Define and Ideate. Analyse and find the design solutions.

Problem Statement
Jack is a busy marketing assistant
who need to access to fresh and affordable herbs for his cooking
because jack struggles to find fresh and affordable herbs for his cooking due to limited access to grocery stores and farmer's markets
Sarah is an retired enjoys cooking and experimenting with new flavors who needs to Learn new techniques for growing and using herbs in her cooking because sarah wants to incorporate more herbs into her cooking but is limited by her knowledge of how to use them

Value Proposition. Determine a value proposition.

Information Architecture. Landscapes for a user-centric experience.

Prototype. Time to bring insight you got on the design.

Paper Wireframe
Digital Wireframe

Style guide. Combine all elements.

Design. Transforming visions into captivating and user-centric designs.

Take away. Opportunities for growth.


Focuses on creating a meaningful impact through accessibility, precise word choice, and a strong brand identity. With a research-driven design process, we aim to deliver an exceptional user experience that caters to diverse needs and fosters user engagement. By prioritizing these elements, we strive to create a memorable and user-centric app that enhances the herb shopping and culinary experience.

What I learned

I had the opportunity to explore the importance of a well-defined design process, meaningful user interaction, comprehensive audience understanding, and in-depth UX research. While there may be room for improvement and further exploration, these aspects provided valuable insights into creating engaging and user-centric experiences.

Next. Moonlight Filmfestival.

Arm Home Builder

Home Builder Website for user who seeking their dream house

UX Design
Design Process
Usability Testing
Web development